Finally! I’m Back on the Grid!

17 06 2012

It’s been a long time since I posted my last “Adventure on the Road”.  You may think that nothing interesting has been happening – no adventures to be had!  In part, you would be right – for a long time I was mobilized.  Nothing interesting to talk about when your day to day experience is hotel living, work, doing some crazy ‘Insanity’ workouts, and spending your evenings on lists and spreadsheets.

But it’s those lists and spreadsheets that filled up my evenings that really took time away from the adventures; but they were also in preparation for a big adventure…

I Got Married!

June 3, 2012 – Santa Fe, NM

And although I did not become the crazed Bridezilla that entertains the masses on TV and in books (at least I don’t think so, and no one told me otherwise), I will say that I played the role of Event Coordinator to a T.  People laughed – oh yes they laughed – when I supplied them with their own 10 page weekend itinerary (personalized for each family), Master Itinerary (for my Maid of Honour), Production Schedules (for my vendors) and Shot List (for the Photographer), but all you event people out there know that those spreadsheets mean Event Survival!!  And even better….Event Success!

Now, I know that every bride will say that the wedding day was magical…perfect…couldn’t have gone better.  But sometimes the ceremony starts late, guests are in limbo in between ceremony and reception, toasts start before the champagne is poured, etc.  All of these things have absolutely no effect on the bride and groom (nor should they – it is their day), but guests notice if they are waiting in the hot sun, they end up sitting around in their formal wear not knowing what to do, or they are toasting with an empty glass.

Now, from a bride’s perspective, I can say our wedding was perfect.  It was magical.  I felt beautiful, loved, and we had a great time.  But I don’t remember much of the fine details that I spent hours pouring over – the exact placement of flowers, what the tables looked like, and I don’t think I even saw our Spanish guitar player at the ceremony.   I remember the important things – seeing only Nathan walking down the aisle, looking into his eyes as he calmed me when I was on the verge of tears, and of course….our kiss!

But from an Event Perspective, I will say that the event was perfect.  A Welcome Reception the night before so everyone could meet and mingle.  The ceremony started exactly on time and the weather cooperated to allow the perfect combination of cloud and sun (perfect for photos).  In fact, the sun appeared as if on cue, shining down on us during our vows.  The ceremony finished 5 minutes ahead of schedule, allowing just enough time for document signing and for everyone to regroup outside the Loretto Chapel for a group photo.  As soon as guests were released from the group photo, they walked a few steps to the reception area where they were greeted with champagne and hors d’ourves.  I don’t even think anyone noticed we didn’t join them until half an hour later when we completed our photos.  From then on it was a flurry of food, dancing, photos, hugs and a general good time.

Inn & Spa at Loretto

An Event Success!  I can’t help but pat myself on the back (in fact Nathan and I exchanged notes and high fives on our flight to Maui), but I must also wholeheartedly thank my Wedding Day Team – Mary, Roberto & Vickie – THANK YOU!  And a big thank you to Erin, my maid of honour, who kept me calm and knew exactly what I needed at any given time (oh – and she also flew to ABQ with the dress!).

** One of very few times we didn’t have our camera with us – Thank you Karen, Kathryn & James for the photos